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Skincare products

Pre/Post-Treatment Advice

We want you to have the best results!


By following some simple steps, you can reduce the chance of an adverse outcome

and really get the most out of your treatments

Pre- Anti-Wrinkle Injection Treatment

Spa Products

To reduce risk of bruising and infection, consider the following before your treatment:​


  • Avoid taking aspirin/ibuprofen or other blood thinning substances such as Fish oil, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John's Wort and high doses of vitamin E for at least 7-10 days before your appointment, unless medically necessary.

  • If you are taking prescription blood thinners or have any history of cold sores, let your practitioner know.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours prior to treatment as this can increase the risk for bleeding and bruising.

  • Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or the use of hair removal creams in the areas) to be treated.

  • Sunburn skin is difficult to treat so avoid exposure to the sun.

  • Arrive at your appointment with a clean face.

  • Always update your medical history to inform your practitioner of ALL medications, including supplements you may be taking and any changes to your health.


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Post- Anti-Wrinkle Injection Treatment

​Following your anti-wrinkle treatment, we want the product to stay in the intended muscles so it can do it's magic, and of course, avoid it moving to other areas.


  • Avoiding touching or rubbing the injection sites for 2-4 hours following treatment. This avoids the toxin moving into unwanted muscle groups.

  • Avoid exercise and sweating for the remainder of the day.

  • Try to avoid lying down or leaning forward for 2-4 hours after treatment.

  • There can be a slight chance of bruising at the injection sites, these will settle over a few days.

  • Be assured that any tiny bumps or marks will go away within a few hours of treatment.

  • Avoid any type of facial, microdermabrasion, or massage for 14 days after treatment.

  • Avoid Ibuprofen/Aspirin/blood thinning medication (this can cause excessive bruising)

  • Be patient :) You will start noticing results after about 4 days and the full effect is usually achieved by 2 weeks. Remember to come for your review so we can top-up any areas that need it.

Pre- Dermal Filler Treatment

​To reduce the risk of bruising, infection and swelling, here are some important recommendations:


  • Avoid taking aspirin/ibuprofen or other blood thinning substances such as Fish oil, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John's Wort and high doses of vitamin E for at least 7-10 days before your appointment, unless medically necessary.

  • If you are taking prescription blood thinners or have any history of cold sores, let your practitioner know.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours prior to treatment as this can increase the risk for bleeding and bruising.

  • Avoid dental procedures (including cleaning) 2 weeks pre filler and 2 weeks post filler

  • Come to your appointment with a clean face.

  • Eat a small meal or a snack before your appointment.

  • Always update your medical history to inform your practitioner of ALL medications, including supplements you may be taking and any changes to your health.

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Beauty and Makeup

Post- Dermal Filler Treatment

​Although normal to have some mild redness, swelling, bruising and tenderness after the injections, we want to avoid excessive swelling, movement of the product before it's setting, and possible infection. Recommendations are:


  • Cold compresses may be used after the treatment to reduce swelling and decrease soreness.

  • You may take paracetamol every 4-6 hours after the treatment to help with any discomfort you may have.

  • Avoid wearing makeup for 24 hours after treatment to reduce infection/pressure to the area.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours to prevent moving the filler or increasing blood flow to the face.

  • Avoid taking aspirin/ibuprofen or other blood thinning substances such as Fish oil, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John's Wort and high doses of vitamin E for at least 7-1 week after your treatment, unless medically necessary.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours after treatment as this can increase the risk for bleeding and bruising.

  • Avoid excessive touching or massaging the treated areas for about 6 hours after the treatment. The treated areas can be washed with a gentle cleanser.

  • Avoid dental procedures 2 weeks following lip filler treatment.

Pre- Profhilo Treatment

To reduce risk of bruising and infection, consider the following before your treatment:​


  • Avoid taking aspirin/ibuprofen or other blood thinning substances such as Fish oil, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John's Wort and high doses of vitamin E for at least 7-10 days before your appointment, unless medically necessary.

  • If you are taking prescription blood thinners or have any history of cold sores, let your practitioner know.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours prior to treatment as this can increase the risk for bleeding and bruising.

  • Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or the use of hair removal creams in the areas) to be treated.

  • Sunburn skin is difficult to treat so avoid exposure to the sun.

  • Arrive at your appointment with a clean face.

  • Always update your medical history to inform your practitioner of ALL medications, including supplements you may be taking and any changes to your health.

Red Head Model
Spa and Wellness

Post- Profhilo Treatment

Following your Profhilo skin boosting treatment, there will be some firm lumps that will be mostly gone by the following day as the product spreads evenly under the skin throughout the face. Otherwise:


  • Avoid touching or rubbing the injection sites for 48 hours afterwards.

  • Avoid exercise and sweating for the remainder of the day.

  • There can be a chance of bruising at the injection sites, these will settle over a few days.

  • Avoid Ibuprofen/Aspirin/blood thinning medication (this can cause excessive bruising)

  • Avoid alcohol and intense exercise for 48 hours (again to avoid bruising and unwanted swelling)

  • Avoid makeup for 24 hours

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